Sabre Squadron Patch

Renegade Wing

Public 2 Player Team v Fleet Battle Ladder.

Leader Boards

Current Top Times/Scores for the Squadron Challenges.

Rogue Challenge

Buccaneer Challenge

Corsair Challenge

Spectre Challenge

Sabre Challenge

Sabre Cap Ship Challenge Rules:

This challenge is intended for 2 pilots and shall be completed in TWO separate Custom Fleet Battles.
You will need to read the full brief here but quick synopsis:

This mission will have two phases.
Phase One:

Phase Two:

Common settings for both phases:

Phase One Settings:

  • No craft bans- All are welcome, though at least ONE U-Wing must be on the field when both pilots are alive at all times. If the UW pilot dies, as long as they come back as a UW while the other pilot is in any other ship, that is fine. Pilots Swapping between UW and other ships are fine, but you must time it so only one NON-U-WING ship is on the field at all times. If two non-UW fighters are on the map at the same time, the run is DQ'd.
  • No Modifiers. This first task force is freshly rested and repaired.

    Phase Two Settings:

    • Craft Restrictions: Ban X-Wings, Y-Wings, A-Wings, and B-Wings.
      Only U-Wings are allowed.


    • Imperial Flagship Shields = .5
    • New Republic Corvette Hull and Shields = .1
    • Imperial Raider Hull and Shields = .1

    Players may call “time” for the second phase of the run once the trash chute is open, both tractor beam projectors are destroyed, and both U-Wings are inside the ISD Hangar “dugout” alive at the same time. We realize this will be harder to get with a screencap since the clock will continue to run, so you will want to use your video so you can get your exact time and a screenshot from it for submission.


    Any entry submitted for a Top 3 position MUST have a video that shows Game Settings, Game Modifiers and Craft Loadouts.