The Renegade Wing Star Wars: Squadrons 2 Player Team Challenges
Welcome to the public Leaderboard for the Renegade Wing Squadron Challenges. These Challenges were Wing Internal competitions used as a way to train and practice, often with our X-Wing/XvT veterans pairing with a rookie to 'show them the ropes'
Challenges have a long history in Renegade Wing with the first on record, as generally accepted, being Mineracing. This was a timed challenge based on the original X-Wing game's Historical Combat, X-Wing Mission 3, Satellites near Coruscant, in which the player has to get Mission Complete in as short a time as possible. This was soon followed by Star Destroyer Racing, a custom mission designed by the original Rogue Leader, Christian Schock, in 1996. The basic premise, destroy an ISD single handedly. The introduction of XvT with it's Multi player format and Fair/Good/Excellent outcome ribbons introduced a whole new dimension to challenge concepts and criteria but it was with Star Wars: Squadrons that we seem to have found a sweet spot.
The first Renegade Wing Challenge was conceived and designed by, then, Spectre Lead, Alrick "Krayt" Dyrgan, and consisted of a wing pair flying Spectre standard craft (x-wing) in a custom Fleet Battle in which the objective was a call back to one of the originals, take down the ISD. After the initial Challenge each Squadron of the Wing conceived and hosted their own Challenge in which the specific mission goals and end states were aligned with the primary role and craft of the squadron:
- Buccaneer - Bomber, B-Wing
- Corsair - Interception and Interdiction, A-Wing
- Spectre - Interdiction, Escort and Strike, X-Wing
- Sabre - Support and SAR, U-Wing, and
- Rogue - Multi role, hardened target Specialists, X and A-Wing
As mentioned above The Challenges have specific settings and requirements for each of the Wing's Squadrons but the basis of each is a custom Fleet Battle with a two player team on the New Republic side taking out the ISD with no 'player' opposition... Except the Rogue Challenge, it's still a custom FB, but against AI.
You will find individual pages to list the full Custom FB setup per squadron from the links on the left and the All Time scores and Ladder can be found here. All submissions will be reviewed by Renegade Wing before posting and all decisions are final.
Submissions will be accepted via email, screenshot images in jpg, png etc, format, video in MP4 (AVI, WMV or MKV accepted) and/or links to cloud stored video. Please do not submit with images or video inline, create a zip with all media and attach.
Challengers retain ownership of their submitted media however, by submitting they agree to Renegade Wing having right of use, at their discretion, and may be used by the same for any purpose without further compensation
The Challenge Formats are Renegade Wing IP and any posting of results, attempts or activity relating to these, and substantially similar 2 player team Fleet Battle and Fleet Battle Vs AI Challenges are to have this site linked and credit to Renegade Wing, regardless of platform or Social feed.
We DO NOT own the copyrights to the official Star Wars images, names, stories, logos, quotes, or other official intellectual properties posted to this site. Nor do we claim copyright of any part of Star Wars: Squadrons. Any and all credits go to the Walt Disney Company, Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, other partners of Lucasfilm Licensing and EA/Motive.