Corsair Squadron Patch

Renegade Wing

Public 2 Player Team v Fleet Battle Ladder.

Leader Boards

Current Top Times/Scores for the Squadron Challenges.

Rogue Challenge

Buccaneer Challenge

Corsair Challenge

Spectre Challenge

Sabre Challenge

Corsair Creep Kill Challenge Rules:

This challenge is intended for 2 pilots flying A-Wings and must be completed in a Custom Fleet Battle.

Unlike the other Squadron Challenges the Corsairs are about reconnaissance and fighter suppression so while the Capships take care of each other, you and a wingman will each be flying an A-wing starfighter outfitted with any auxiliary weapon systems you prefer. Your task is simple: destroy all Imperial fighters in the area to allow the Sov Taskforce and their strike fighters to do the heavy lifting in destroying this retreating force. Original Challenge document can be found here.

Game settings:


Both players MUST fly the A-Wing. All ship components and auxiliaries are at your discretion.


Any entry submitted for a Top 3 position MUST have a video that shows Game Settings, Game Modifiers and Craft.